What have you learnt?
A nivell acadèmic, tal volta hem après alguna coseta nova que no sabíem, per ventura hem estés coses que ens costava, però tots i totes hem après de segur coses realment importants que recordarem tota la nostra vida i que són i seran tatuatges a la nostra ment.
Avui parlarem de 3 coses... la 1a fa referència a coses que m'he obligat a fer; la 2a a coses que he après o que no havia fet mai abans... i la 3a coses que sabia, però que m'han quedat confirmades.
Jo ho faré en anglès... aquest cop i sense que serveixi de precedent... que nos conocemos!!! podeu fer servir el google translator... només si no vos veis en coratge de fer-ho vosaltres by your own! ok?
Au idò... anem a sincerar-nos... dir-vos que moltes de les coses que hi ha aquí escrites, no les sap ningú del meu entorn!!
Podrieu pensar amb 3 exemples de cada?
1st. Things I have forced myself to do!
- I have forced myself to wear clothes I wouldn't normally wear.
- I have forced myself to eat food from the frozen I wouldn't normally eat in my day life.
- I have forced myself to be careful with the amount of food to be eaten.
- I have forced myself not to reply some rude messages because I can understand it's not easy to everyone.
2nd. Things I had never done before!
- I had never organised my freezer by vegetables, fish, meat and pizzas before.
- I had never eaten so much cream vegetables and soup as now.
- I had never made the most of all the parts (roots, stem, leaf) of the vegetables as now: salad, clear soup, cream,...
- I had never woken up so early as now in order to tidy up my house. You won't believe it but 12 hours are not being enough at the moment. Now I can understand some friends of mine.
3rd. Things I knew but they have been confirmed now!
- I knew your families were great but checking the English activities, reading e-mails and over all watching your videos... this has been 100% confirmed. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your time, your effort, your well power, your energy, your smiles, your attitude, your creativity, your imagination,...
- I knew that people in difficult moments get closer but it is confirmed that solidarity is a fact and people feels the need to help the others.
- I knew I liked watching your videos, but it has been confirmed how special you are. You had the power to make me weep and laugh. To weep with joy and to laugh with your crazy and wonderful ideas.They have been fantastic, brilliant, marvellous, superb, excellent, magnificent, terrific, smashing, super, incredible, amazing, gorgeous,...