Let's Record a Video introducing our playground:
1st Scene: Everyone is in the classroom
- Sounds the School Bell (+ Class Clock Image)
- Everyone Stands up, prepare their snack, grab their jackets and go outside
2nd Scene: A boy and a girl are sitting alone outside the playground. They are bored.
- Some kids appear: What are you doing here? (miming) / What's happening?
We are bored! We have nothing to do!
That's not true! Come, Come!
3rd Scene: They go corner by corner of the playground and they can see how students can play in many different ways and with many different games:
Climbing Area Table Tennis Tepees Basketball Pitch
Trees corner Kitchen Garden Building Corner Music side
Picnic Tables zone for reading, painting, playing ...
The bell sounds again... she had felt asleep in class!: YES, WE CAN MAKE IT POSSIBLE! Dreams can become true!
What's happening?
I have nothing to do!
Come! Come!
Present in a funny way how fascinating a playground could be if we were pirates who need to find a treasure. Your suitable place for playing:
Poster contest: They are going to create a pirate map. From all the pictures we are going to use the best ideas in order to create the final one.
1. CEIP Punta de n'Amer considera que el temps d'esbarjo és un tresor on trobar el nostre moment per descansar, jugar, pensar, imaginar,...
2. Al póster trobareu els nostres racons inclusius:
3. Construccions i lògica,
4. Jocs de Taula i Tornejos
5. Zona de Dramatització i Música
6. Zona de Manualitats
7. Zona de Lectura
8. Jocs a l'aire lliure...
9. Com puguin ser:
10. Jocs a terra i jocs tradicionals
11. Activitats esportives i jocs de pilota
12. Jocs de Punteria
13. Zona de Medi Ambient
14. La idea és que depenent de les nostres edats, interessos i iquietuts...
15. Segons el dia o estat d'ànim ...
16. Poguem trobar la nostra 'Batcova' on posar en marxa noves aventures.
17. 5 minuts abans d'acabar el pati, sona una cançó.
18. D'aquesta manera ens podem organitzar per arraconar,
19. Anar al bany, beure aigua,
20. o gaudir dels darrers minuts!